Monday, November 23, 2009

1990 Conquest Gulfstream 25

, To support his forehead against Manuel and steal your breath. "I would say to walk until our feet bleed and scale until we freeze .- hands then the ear, hands trembling with emotion. We cross the Andes, Chile
What can we lose?
At the top of the mountains seen standing the view of Santiago, newcomers on the road from Mendoza, followed by his men on horseback, intoxicated by the momentum of the precious promise of freedom. The air on top is pure and cold of the snow will freeze the bones. But nor snow can shut down the wrath of those who dare to break the chains of their own destiny.
(For the reasonthe world. Enough to crawl and me .-)
Peru rubbed his forehead and try to pretend that it has begun to consider the possibilities. [info] - -Rancagua was a disaster, man. Argentina's smile is even more ironic and burns the wounds fresh. Chile does not know whether to laugh with him or just stop paying attention. "I do not saw it coming. "Anger, bitterness and fatigue make you feel defeated, as if all the work of the last four years have meant absolutely nothing .- We want to tie it again .-
(He asks where is that Antonio has become to remove as much tenacity.
Y quihaps Miguel was right, right? going to crush it, the royalists, the English viceroy, Antonio-)
"Look at his face, Manuel. -As that day when he offered his support, Martin takes her face in her hands and sweltering with the same air of defiance that has owned life .- You will not pay now. We still have a way and still have opportunities .-
- And to you who told you I was going to give up, you idiot? , Because Manuel has a goal that has been proposed and a promise to meet in the heart of all its people. For freedom and undertake flight scream like never before, challenging even the passing of condor. Is a negligible loss compared to the battles that I will win .- "It's
I expected to hear. In the midst of happiness, of future greatness, the closeness and warmth is real
. His hand on Martin and the little touch of her lips reminded that the road is long and that the lives lost need justice.

(Chile will not give in to anyone to have his name written on the history and people of her father out of their land. Even after everything is falling apart, will not rest until freedom from coming out of the pores and your heart with pride.) --------------------------------------

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process of Independence lasted from Chile1810 to 1823.
The Argentine army played an important role as an asset interact in the Chilean independence.
- Viceroy Abascal

ignored the
Treaty in 1814, giving way to the Disaster of Rancagua, where the Patriots lost battle and had fled to Mendoza to be helped.

The Reconquista period lasted from 1814 to 1817.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Father's Day Promise Card

Title: North, Northern Poor.
Fandom: Latin Hetalia.
Characters: Chile, England. References to others.
Rating: G, suitable for all sensitive soul.
Warnings: Thousands of historical nods, Arthur (indirectly) being an asshole, etc.
Comments: Not everything was nice after the Pacific War. I tried, quite ambiguous and fail, try to explain the internal conflict that preceded the workers' revolution and the crisis of nitrate, as well as the British influence in northern Chile, mainly through Manuel. E-Hope has left coherent. THANK [info] da niela_lynx BY BETEARME

The last shot that resounds like an echo in the Pacific coast, the scorching sun of the desert, the increasingly muted murmurs of civil war. Expansion

(Decrease) . There are new faces.

The last trumpet sounds, the curtain falls and suddenly, suddenly , which are tied neck and feet, with a gap in the esophagus and a silent scream in your throat. I suffocate between sun and earth, stifling greed and misery, suffocating the mistakes, the bloodshed, the cries of the earth and the pain of his people.

(still bears the stamp of Michael in memory.)There

expectant hands, palms outstretched waiting, belonging to the faraway continent where the glory is sounding names and a silver spoon.

(Gold, gold, gold. Grita gold, Manuel, gold screams and watch people move mountains. Is not that what you were looking Antonio? Is not that what you did not, what made you unsuitable to their eyes?

Now you have it. Buried in the middle of nowhere, their shining white under the afternoon sun.)

England comes to footing and the green eyes of greed. It is not the first time that Manuel has to be seen: several years ago had devastated the city of La Serena, bringing with it the smell of gunpowder and cannon smoke pirates.

(Jamivity between what you see, between the people's pain and weight of the aristocracy. Divided between admiration, desire, anger, spite-

(There is a certain elegance to Arthur, a deep knowledge in eyes that have seen the centuries pass. Something so fascinating that Manuel, a young and desperate, can not let go .)

The debt is large, Chile, England is remembered whenever he can, never satisfied with the size of its commercial monopoly founded on the basis of nitrate. The times have become hard and invested too much in this war of yours. I took you to the top , the implicit message is clear.
I demand compensation.

(It is easy to destroy, but even moreeasy to let you destroy. What if you split between head and instinct, what to do if it's you against yourself?

England is great, all that long to be and all that ever will be. Manipulates you, and you still let it go or debates between respect diplomacy. While you are destroying. Although

is taking pieces of you.
Remember Martín, Manuel? Is that stab in the chest to the ever loved? He was a part of you. "Assign the remainder to Arthur?)

fever Chile saltpeter has headaches, and subjects without balance on the edge of a precipice. England still dominates, even within the fist can crush your hand, still allowsall ass and dip into the deepest misery.
But the people, despite the poverty and neglect, is strong. And Manuel soon finds strength in his voice the cry of Protestant men and women of the change.

is in the crowd and chants of the workers, between the illusion of the proletariat, that Manuel is challenged himself and march through the desert guided by the slow pace of those who will not return back, becoming an increasingly more threatening increasingly strong.

(You Chile 1907 and opened fire on himself.)


blood in you roars like a river where the sun
rubbed his head.
Your fist is a flower of strength.
stones Give your peor before the Great Depression of 1929. It meant a great economic progress for the foreign capitalists who invested in Chile.

The nitrate
entrepreneurs were mainly British. The exploitation of Salitre is operated mainly in the fields of Tacna, Arica and Antofagasta.

England intervened
for much of the Pacific War, by purely economic.
In the midst of a war against Bolivia and Peru
, Chile had to give most of its territory to Argentina to avoid going to war against it. This meant the loss of 90% of Patagonia and a serious breach in relations Chile-Argentina.

In 1907
nitrate workers went on strike to achieve better working conditions. A Iquique reached 10,000 men (with their families) who were shot in the school Santa Maria de Iquique, after the president ordered him to the army.


In Chile, 4.5% of the population is descended from English.