Friday, December 24, 2010

Degenerative Disc Disease More Condition_symptoms Nantoka its naru

Fandom: NEWS
Couples KoyaPi (Yamashita Tomohisa x Koyama Keichiro)
Rating: PG
Summary: Koyama knows exactly how to relax before a performance Pi.
Author's Note: Furo I can not believe that your influence I do write
odd couples xD Disclaimer: The boys belong to the Johnny's Entertainment.

looked bored as Yamapi Koyama Massu reprendĂ­aa for being so clueless.

"The performance must be perfect" Yamapi said, and that was a clear warning not only to Ely buta but their attempts to "improve" the steps.

But thatwas not what mattered to him now, but every minute that someone felt was unnecessary.


- Koyama What?
- Can you let Massu fence to eat and give me some extra lessons just me?

The bold look of Yamapi and his twisted smile was enough to know he had said the exact words at the right time.

-course ... Massu! "Scream Yamapi" Your leader commands you to eat and not seen in about 2 hours. Takahisa ~!!!!- -¡¡¡¡
Siiiiii gives a peek of thanks to Koyama, and look like you would pay that BIG favor. And


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